Happly's mission is to guide you along your journey to your next job.

How do you feel about job interviewing?

The job interview is often seen as the most stressful part of the application process: we feel anxious, we don't know what to expect, we're not confident about our experience, we don't know what questions to ask...

That's why I decided to help you prepare for job interviews in a SIMPLE, TIME-SAVING manner, while building up your CONFIDENCE.

Which offer is right for you?

1. BASIC - Your Interview Cheat Sheet (PDF)

A fillable PDF to gather and organize all information you need to prepare for your job interview. Your Cheat Sheet is your partner to practice and memorize your speech. More info


  • you have secured a job interview coming soon
  • you don't know which information to look for
  • you know how to take notes using keywords
  • you know how to structure and practice your speech from your keywords


  • you'll know exactly what to prepare in advance
  • you'll save valuable time that you can use to practice your speech and gain confidence

2. STANDARD - Your Interview Toolkit

Your Interview Cheat Sheet (Fillable PDF) + Your Step-by-Step Guide.

Your Guide (PDF) includes written detailed instructions, useful tips and examples on how to fill in each part of your Cheat Sheet. More info


  • you have secured a job interview coming soon
  • you don't know what to prepare in advance
  • you don't know where or how to look for information
  • you don't know how to structure your speech, (e.g. introduce yourself, present your experience)
  • you know how to practice your speech from keywords


  • you'll know exactly what to prepare in advance
  • you'll know where and how to look for relevant information
  • you'll save valuable time that you can use to practice your speech and gain confidence

3. PREMIUM COURSE - Standard Offer + Interactive Video Course

Your Interview Toolkit (Cheat Sheet + Guide) + Interactive Video Course.

Your Guide (PDF) includes written detailed instructions, useful tips and examples on how to fill in each part of your Cheat Sheet. More info


  • you have secured a job interview coming soon or you want to be ready for future interviews
  • you don't know what to prepare in advance
  • you don't know what to start with
  • you don't know where or how to look for information
  • you don't know how to structure your speech, (e.g. introduce yourself, present your experience)
  • you don't know how to practice your speech from keywords


  • you'll be guided (with my voice and written explanations) at every single step of your job interview preparation
  • you'll take action and prepare for your job interview while following through the course, thanks to exercises
  • you'll know where and how to look for relevant information
  • you'll save valuable time that you can use to practice your speech and gain confidence

We're going to help you prepare for job interviews through worksheets or/and interactive courses.
You can move at your own pace, completing any of Happly's courses whenever you want to.
You'll get a lifetime access to all Happly's courses, so you can reuse them for your future interviews.

Join the Community!

There is no need to do this all alone!

Join our amazing community of driven, inspired people who are looking for their next job!

Get support from your peers!

Together we can do this!

Join the Facebook Group

Hi, I’m Carole, Founder of Happly :)

Since I started my career more than 10 years ago, I realised how I would certainly not be able (or willing) to spend my entire career in a single company. Whether I liked it or not, I had to be flexible and ready to apply for a new job at any unexpected time of my professional life. So I decided to put in a lot of time and effort as I started applying for new jobs, and landing them.

I was frustrated by the fact that my job interview prep was both time-consuming and energy-draining, and knew there was a better way. I made Happly to help other people with the same problem.

I started this hustle because I noticed that, every time I was landing a job, I had used the same winning structure and techniques. There didn’t seem to be anyone else doing anything about it (or the existing businesses were advanced technologies missing both the human and affordable side of it).

That's how Happly was born.